Thursday, November 15, 2007

Exhibiting Protection

While on the bike path a couple of days ago, we met an owner with a Yorkshire Terrier off leash who ran to meet Guinness – obviously not afraid of a big dog at all. They sniffed and played together, with Guinness being quite gentle.

This morning, the same Yorky came along during playgroup time. Again the Yorky ran to meet the five big dogs assembled. When Guinness saw his little friend approaching, he ran to greet him. They sniffed, then the other dogs came to meet this new little fellow. All were gentle with this brave creature. Smartie, one of Guinness’s daily playgroup friends, began running with the Yorkie. Guinness was not close by, but saw what was happening, raced to Smartie and chased her away with growls. He did not want anyone playing with HIS new friend!

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Still Mischievious

Just yesterday, Grant and I discussed that we think Guinness is ready to be left alone with access to the entire house, not shut into the den. We decided that we would test him with more freedom when we are away for only a few minutes. This morning, we went out for coffee. Before leaving, I left my indoor shoes on the floor at the door as I ran out with Guinny for a potty break. He stole one of the shoes as soon as he was in the door. That incident deterred me from giving him excess freedom, so, after bribing him with treats, he returned to the den, relinquished my shoe, and I left him there.

This is what I found when I returned:

Now that winter is approaching, gloves are stashed in my coat pocket. Obviously, he knows where they are. He pulled a glove out of the pocket of my hanging jacket and tipped over the coat tree. Now I will have to keep my gloves in a drawer.