Friday, March 12, 2010

Coyote sighting

I took Guinness out for a final run and saw a coyote in the driveway behind our place about 50 ft. ahead in the rainy dark. He stared at us and Guinness looked attentively at him, then he walked into the grass and we went inside! I made Grant take him out again later.

All this winter we have had a friendly rabbit in our yard. When I take Guinness out in the early morning and in the evening, invariably the bunny is there. He does not seem afraid of us. He will let us walk up to within 5 feet of him, and as along as Guinness stays still, he will continue nibbling on whatever. But Guinness does not stay still. He eventually bolts and the bunny runs a few feet. I have wondered if I tied Guinness to a tree, could I get closer to the bunny and make friends? For the past month, there has been no bunny in our yard. I fear the worst.

One morning recently, a pile of chickadee feathers was in our lawn. No sign of a carcass. I have wondered who did it -- a hawk or coyote? BTW, a little chickadee has an enormous amount of feathers!!!! No wonder they stay warm through the winter!

I did a search for what coyotes eat: "A coyote is mainly a meat eater, so he hunts rabbits, mice and small animals like that. A coyote is carnivorous (flesh eating). Typically they feed on small game, fruits, insects, rodents, rabbits, small birds, poultry." There are my answers? Yet, would a coyote pick all the feathers out? A hawk might do that. ??

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Urban Wildlife

Sometimes I feel like we live in the country due to all the wildlife we see! Of course, there is a conservation area right behind our development, yet the natural area and our home border a six-lane highway.

This morning while taking Guinness for his morning walk, we were beside the fence at the back. A small river is at the bottom of the ravine. There were three animals swimming down there! They had very long tails, but were too large to be rats. Two disappeared under the water and the third swam away and vanished under a log. After considering the options, they were muskrats looking exactly like this one:

Sunday, March 07, 2010

Pizza Night

We baked a frozen pizza for our dinner tonight and only ate half of it. After dinner, I was exhausted. I cleaned up the kitchen, but my tired brain forgot to put the leftover pizza away. A few minutes later, I heard the crinkling of a tinfoil pan and knew what it was. That's right -- "was." The boy enjoyed a fair share of pizza and was happily playing with the noisy pan.