Tuesday, February 23, 2010


I arrived home from my trip to NC this morning, dropped my suitcases, and went to the pet hotel to pick up Guinny. He was bouncy and smashed into my mouth causing my teeth to cut my lip. He thinks he cannot jump into my new SUV, because we got it when he was still recovering from surgery and needed a ramp to get in. Today, he bounced right in.

We stopped at our doggie park for him to burn up some pent-up energy before going home. He gets two 15 minute leash walks and two playtimes per day at the pet hotel which isn't enough to even begin to slow him down. He needed to stretch his legs! Hopping through the snow gave him an outlet.

Wednesday, February 03, 2010


I drive to doggie park on days the walks are icy, such as today. As we arrived at the parking lot for the ballfields, an unleased dog wandered into the road. Then I noted that it was mangy looking -- a coyote! He walked straight towards my car, then across the street. All the time, Guinness was going bonkers wanting to meet a new friend. I sat there perplexed for a minute -- should I or should I not park and get out of the car. I decided to go to the drugstore first, then returned. No person, dog, or coyote was in sight. We took the chance. I walked / Guinness ran around the field three times, but we did not go behind the spruce trees. Three times when there was a large distance between us, I called him to come, and he came! What a good boy!

This afternoon, I researched the Web for ways to ward off being attacked by a coyote. Use a gun, a stick, or make a lot of noise with large gestures and be tough were the preferred methods. If needed, I will try the noise, gestures, and vicious attitude, but I pray I never need to experiment!

This fella is much prettier and more robust than our neighborhood cur.