Saturday, September 24, 2005

Second class

Practicing homework with Hershey demonstrating.

Today was Guinness’s second Grade 1 class. We joined a Saturday class as a makeup session since we missed Tuesday night. He did fairly well on the class activities. Between exercises, he sat at Grant’s side, though he needed a lot of coaxing to stay there. The strange thing is that Grant had different teachers today than on our normal Tuesday class, yet they all knew Grant’s name without being told! During the final 15 min., we moved to a small classroom for a lecture where he was incorrigible! Grant didn’t hear a thing that was said as he was too busy controlling Guinness. I missed most of the information. We came home *exhausted* -- including me who just sat and watched! LOL


Esther said...

He looks FINE to me.... :)

Karin said...

How did Guinness get so big???