Thursday, May 11, 2006

The Chase Game

The Chase Game is so much fun for Guinness. He has not chewed anything up of any consequence yet. He likes taking something he knows he is not to have to make us chase him. Our breeder told me recently to grab his favorite toy and sit in the middle of the floor playing with it until he comes to get it. There isn’t a toy that he likes enough to come for, but he does like treats. So… would you believe…. we TREAT him for playing the Chase Game! But it works! He drops the forbidden object for a tiny bone, small treat, or an ice cube! Now is that all bad? We try to keep his favorite Chase Game items out of reach. I now keep my outdoor doggie shoes on top of the curio cabinet in the living room! Makes a lovely decoration. Today he grabbed this take-out food container off the kitchen counter. He didn’t really want to play with it; he just knew it was a forbidden thing which would start a Chase Game.

1 comment:

Karin said...

what a doofball :o)