Saturday, April 21, 2007


Guinness was treated to special frosted birthday bones. After dinner, Daddy brought home a real veal bone!

Guinness spent the day outside watching us set up our new patio furniture, then using it to share a drink with our neighbors. While he plays with a new toy, a neighbor obliges him with a tummy rub.


Karin said...

Happy Birthday, Guinny :) (Essie died on his bday....)

Nina said...

Oh, my word! How sad is that! Somehow it had grazed over the top of my head that Fuzzy died on Guinny's BD. They met once when Guinny was a baby, but I don't recall anything about their encounter except that Guinny was separated from her and the other cats in his crate. Well, it will be a nice memory every year on Guinny's BD to remember sweet, precious, little, black Fuzzy-Wuzzy.