Thursday, September 13, 2007

Training Test

Here is Angela at Greg's wedding last weekend.

She arrived willing, in doggie clothes with short sleeves, but, I am sure, not very eager. Guinness was overboard in friendliness, as usual. She moved to a wall, put her face into her arms, and we allowed Guinness to jump at her. (Next time, I will tell our guinea pig to wear long sleeves!) It may have taken a full minute; I’m not sure. It wasn’t an awfully long time before he stopped, walked to a window to look out, then returned to her, sniffing and jumping maybe one or two more times. Then he was calm. I suggested that she try moving to the sofa. He ran to the sofa and jumped on it before she could get there. He was just goofy, so I put him away, and we went out to dinner.

When we returned, he did not jump on her! He sniffed, but none of his craziness! Yay!

1 comment:

Karin said...

HA!! Poor Angela ;) Good thing you treated her to dinner!