Friday, June 06, 2008


Our neighbor is away on a cruise. He is having his painter paint the garage floor while they are gone. Today, the painter was sitting up in the backyard with another neighbor and client waiting for the current coat to dry in our hot, humid weather today.

Meanwhile, I returned home with Guinness, wanted to blow the tree seeds out of the garage, so let him out of the side door to go up in our side yard. Instead, he made a bee-line for the garage with me running and screaming after him (my throat is still sore!). He, fortunately, walked over her paint cloth, cleaning off two paw a bit. Then he ignored my screaming and ran across the driveway to the bolders and jumped up. sigh Oh, well, the painter was going to do one more coat anyway. I thought I was going to have to pay for another coat!

What a boy...

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