Saturday, November 01, 2008

Mommy came home!

I came home for a week while a temporary nanny replaced me at Karin’s. It is amazing that in less than two months I had forgotten how beautiful he is! He is a gorgeous dog, perfectly proportioned with rich dark brown fur. As soon as I walked in the door, Guinness was stealing things for me to retrieve from him. Grant says that he does not do that at all when I am not home. It is a Mommy/dog game.

Guinness was eager to help me unpack my suitcase when I wasn’t looking and grabbed a sweater which I had to finagle away from him.

We went to doggie park every morning, but we didn’t see many of our friends. They seem to have changed their schedules.

I took him to be weighed and he is 70.8 lbs! Good news!

Our yard maintenance people blow all the leaves into a huge mountain, then come later with a suction truck to vacuum them up. Guinness loved the huge pile! In fact, he walked right into it with only his head sticking out. I didn’t have my camera, so you have to capture a mental image of his handsome dark brown head rising above a pile of orange, brown, yellow leaves.

Later, I took him out with camera to try to recapture that pose, but the yard people were already sucking up the pile.

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