Thursday, April 22, 2010

Guinness Turned 5!

April 21 is his birthday.

Here is what he looked like at 5 days old, April 26, 2005, with his canine and his human moms:

We had NO idea what we were in for!!! LOL

I didn't have time to go to doggie park on his birthday, but we went today and took treats for all the canines. He had 5 dogs at his party -- the appropriate amount -- one per year of the birthday boy.

Seamus and Sidney on the left. Crash, the chocolate, playing with Holly, and Guinness wandering off to the right.

After playtime, he went with me 30 min. from home for my hair appointment. He is so smart! I was daydreaming and missed a turn off a major boulevard. He knew I missed the turn, even though we still had 3 more turns to make before our destination!!! He went crazy that I goofed. Oh, my... Last time, I had allowed him to play at a doggie park on the way home. He remembered and started reminding me as soon as we were on the road where the park is. Smart boy! I knew exactly what he was saying. So he had more frolicking fun with more dogs. A couple came in with their miniature dog, Tim Horton's coffees, and sandwiches. They sat at a picnic table within the doggie park, and Guinness jumped right up on the table. He knows Tim Horton's and he wanted some!!! They had to stand outside the fence with their human treats to have some peace. Silly people! What were they thinking? LOL

1 comment:

Noelle said...

Awww! Such a nice birthday for Guinness! : ) I am amazed at his smartness. : )