Friday, April 27, 2012

Our Annual Vet Visit

As soon as he realizes we are going to the vet, he becomes boisterous and uncontrollable.  He is SOOO excited to visit the vet!!!!  He dragged me up the steps and into the building.  It usually is a circus when we enter, but today, there were no other dogs present -- only an elderly man waiting for his dog.  Guinness put on his normal show of jumping up at the high counter to see the staff behind and request a treat.  They now have the scale in the waiting room.  I need to do the weighing, because he is much too excited to sit for someone else do it.  He weighs only 67 pounds which is a bit concerning.  He has looked quite skinny since being at Holly's Pride at Christmastime.  The vet suggested I increase his two meals per day from 1 1/3 cups to 2 cups each.  As I talked with the vet, he repeatedly tried to escape into the inner sanctum where staff and doctors are.  He is much too excited there to settle.  He is constantly on the move and jumping.  I noted that his official report of his visit stated he is "exuberant and goofy." 

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