Sunday, June 24, 2012

A Second Chocolate Bar in a Month!

Guinness, Kevin, and I are at Chautauqua, and my friend Melanie came for the weekend.  She brought along a dark chocolate bar which she left within Guinness's reach.  She is the one who helped me administer hydrogen peroxide to him the last time when he ate MY bar.   :\    Anyway, she went shopping for Hydrogen Peroxide and a baby applicator.  We gave him 5 mls,  and he NEVER vomited!!!!!  After 6 hours, I wrote to my vet nephew asking, "Is he going to die???"   He said Guinness is a big dog and it would take a lot of chocolate for his liver to fail.

Earlier today, one person whom we met, called him "charming"???  NO one has ever called him charming!!!  LOL  

This evening, Kevin set down his ice cream cone.  Guess who got it.  Well then, Melanie put what was left in a paper cup and threw it away in a "drawer" type garbage bin in the kitchen cabinets.  Guess what. . .  He OPENED the drawer and got the cup out!!!!!!   He is INCORRIGIBLE!!!!

1 comment:

Mélanie Schrauwers said...

He sure had a lot of chocolate... I HOPE he enjoyed it and I hope there is lots where he is!!! <3