Monday, September 09, 2013

It Wasn't the Best Experience

I needed a dog sitter to feed Guinny his dinner and let him go potty yesterday.  Only my DIL was available; she came with the two boys (4 & 6).  They are afraid of him because he is SOOOO exuberant!!!!  Over the TOP happy and excited to see little kids.  When they come, I keep Guinness behind baby gates.  Here is their story. . .

My boys were terrified, lol... Guinness chased them around the house and Gabe was screaming and in tears, and Kien hid behind your sofa waiting to leave. That was after he tried to jump in your bed but learned so can Guinness. Then Guinness stole Kiens stick and snapped it in uneven thirds then tried to eat it!! I threw it away in your trash and it was slobbery!
Then he tried to knock me down to eat, when I figured out where the food was Guinness stuck his head in to eat before I could get a scoop I had to pull him away and it was not easy. Then he knocked me over when I did get his food in the bowl. 

I then told the boys to stay behind the sofa while I let him out to go potty. I didn't see that Gabe had gone to look for his stick, and when I let Guinness in, he darted straight for Gabe. I kept throwing his bone so he would go far enough to send the boys outside. Guinness figured out my plan and went back outside. Sigh! Once I got the boys out and in the car Gabe screamed he left his stick on your bed and didnt want Guinness to eat it, so after explaining that some dogs see a stick and to them that means to play fetch. After begging him to let me come back to get it another time he was not accepting that answer. 

I went back in to get it and Guinness kept trying to jump on me to eat it.

Kien said as we were leaving "That Guinness is one out of control dog!"
Gabe said, "I'm not going back in there! Grandma can come to our house to see Daisy."

But, we did see a large frog at your front door and examined him for a bit, that was less exciting and the boys liked that.

 LOL... It wasn't the best experience. >>
What she didn't include in this story is -- she had to deal with my house alarm too -- getting it turned off, and later on again with 45 seconds to get in or out of the house.  I wonder what craziness happened during that 45 seconds?!

Can you believe this adorable, sweet, calm dog would do such a thing???? 

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