Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Sickly, but loved, brother

We continue to worry about Hershey’s declining health. He seems to be permanently lethargic. Last week, Mark, our nephew and exceptionally brilliant veterinarian, suggested placing him on his hypoallergenic food only (no home cooking even when he vomits) and Prednisone every day. Such a smart vet! He has only vomited once in the past week, instead of every day.

This evening, I ran several errands and took only Hershey with me in the car. He deserves some quality time. I purchased a couple of new dog toys. Hershey is unimpressed, but Guinness loves both. Guinness adores Hershey. I could not make the pictures line up in the right order, but you get the idea. Guinness tried to sit on Hershey’s lap (extended front legs)! I grabbed my camera, but not soon enough. Then he snuggled up, side by side, with Hersh. By the time my camera was in gear, he was near Hersh playing with his new ball. Again, he seemingly tried to sit on Hersh, but only straddled him. Hershey moved under Grant's desk to escape torture. I finally had to give it up and put the annoyance back in his crate.

1 comment:

Karin said...

Hershey looks sad. :(