Saturday, February 11, 2006

A Polar Dip

Guinness really needs the opportunity of running free to use up some of his boundless energy. I took him to the little-used, small park in the ravine behind our condo development. He had a wonderful time running, but kept going to the edge of the creek. Each time, I screamed “Come” repeatedly until he finally decided to obey. Eventually the lure of water won out over Mom. He was shocked to discover the water was deep! He had a crazed look in his eyes, so I had to get down on my hands and knees and pull him out of the water and up the one foot creek edge. The dripping water instantly froze into icicles on his fur. He rolled on the ground probably to “clean” himself, but snagged leaves and muck which caked into his pinch collar. I called Grant on our walk home to ask him to have towels, shampoo, and the back door unlocked ready for us.

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