Monday, July 17, 2006

Back to the crate!

This is what we found when we came in this evening.

Funny thing is, as we left, we told him he had to stay home and be a good boy. This was the first time that he didn’t even try to dash out the door with us. He knew he was staying home alone. We did one thing wrong: we didn’t turn the TV on for him! We always leave the TV on Fox News to educate him as a Conservative. He has been loose in the house when we are away since June 23rd, with almost no problems. My shoe a week ago was the first casualty, then the butter tarts a few days ago. Tonight was a mess, but no calamity. It is a miracle that the two books he chose to remove from the shelf were out of date scrapbooking catalogs. They probably were the only two books that were disposable! I was so lucky! I could have had a disaster, because this is where my scrapbooking supplies, albums, and magazines are as well as some of our personal library.

BTW, yesterday around 1 AM, I heard Guinness running in our bedroom. He had a shoe. I dragged myself out of bed to retrieve it. I followed him to the living room where I could see, in the darkness, that something was on the floor. I turned on a light. Butter tart evidence had surfaced.


Karin said...

OH NO!!! But those are not actual photographs? They're just pictures from books???

Esther said...

Maybe he's decided to take up scrapbooking himself to have a little more time with you. ;-)

Hmmm...butter tart evidence; not, of course any part of one of the actual butter tarts. Guess you have conclusive proof you didn't leave them in the trunk, eh?

Patti said...

Wow, as a avid scrapbooker I feel your pain!!!! Thank goodness it wasn't too major in that dept!
We are about to embark on that journey ourselves as our puppy is due to be born in two days!
I will be checking in often to gain lots of advice!