Friday, July 14, 2006


On the way to the airport to pick up Grant, I stopped at a Farmer’s Market to buy him some treats – a cherry pie, some butter tarts, and banana oat cookies for me. At home, I placed the pie box on the counter, the four tarts wrapped individually in plastic wrap on top of the pie box, with the cookies beside the box.

When we returned from dinner, Guinness was in his normal spot – on the sofa downstairs. He has been on a kick again of removing the blanket. Today I had shaken it out and tucked it in firmly on all sides. I was pleased to see that he had not pulled on the blanket. We assumed he had been a very good boy.

There are few items which Guinness can find for his catch-me-if-you-can games. The dishcloth, which has always hung on the faucet or over the center of the sink until recently, now must lie in the bottom of the sink. We heard Guinness prancing around and a sound like gushing water. Grant asked if I had turned the dishwasher on, which I had not. I was mystified at what the noise was. I found Guinness dancing in the dining room with a dishcloth. In the process of stealing the dishcloth out of the sink, his head must have pushed the faucet handle up, turning it on. Time to find a plastic gismo for hanging the dishcloth under the sink inside the cupboard. Also it would be a good idea to ensure that the drains are always left open.

Since I was in the kitchen, I asked Grant if he was ready for some pie. I reached for the pie box, and realized that the large, gooey, sweet, raisin butter tarts had vanished. In fact, there is not a crumb or piece of plastic or stickiness anywhere! I wonder how they evaporated??? It seems highly unlikely that he would have taken them from the counter. He has not done anything like that in months!

Grant said, “You must have left them in the trunk.”
“I know I didn’t leave them in the trunk.”
“You are accusing him falsely. Find evidence that he ate them.”
“There is no evidence.”

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