Monday, February 12, 2007


We took a walk at the bike path where we met a nice lady with some type of terrier who likes to play. We allowed them to be free at the ballfield and have a fun time. The terrier was territorial with his stick, but Guinness was fine with that. While the woman and I were chatting a mile a minute, I missed seeing a young mother with stroller and two dogs come along. Guinness didn’t miss them, but the dogs were not going to allow this crazy man near their baby. Since Guinness is not an alpha dog and backs down to anyone, it was not a problem, and I was able to grab his leash even though he would not respond to my “Come!” However, I am sure, it was frightening for the young mother. On the way home, I again was preoccupied with dropping waste into a trash can as a couple came along with a blind Golden. Guinness ran to them before I knew they were there. They were worried about their dog as he is blind and fearful of other dogs. I was so pleased to note that Guinness was not being his normal crazy self, but was actually sniffing the dog and being quite gentle. He obviously was sensing that this dog had special needs.

1 comment:

Karin said...

Cool! :)