Friday, February 16, 2007

Snow Drifts -- Annoying and Fun

Today is the Great Backyard Bird Count. I was looking forward to taking Guinny to the beach and counting the Trumperter Swans, Longtails, and any other avian creatures that might be there. I considered whether it was a good idea to be driving there as the parking lots might not be plowed. Without a 4-wheel drive vehicle this winter, that could be a problem. But, I bundled myself up for the frigid temps, put my binoculars and camera around my neck, stuffed a BGGC list for my area in my pocket with pencil, got Guinny leashed up and in the car, then backed out. Into a snowdrift. Stuck! Guinness was NOT happy to be going inside instead of for a walk. Fortunately, BMW’s have “free” emergency service. So they came and towed me out a couple of hours later. But I was no longer in the mood to go so late in the day.

When I went out to run some errands, we drove to the beach to check out the parking lots. My normal parking lot has not been plowed, and it would be iffy to park there. But another lot is totally plowed! Guinness was quite distraught that we did not park and cried big doggie tears. I promised him that tomorrow morning we will be there bright and early! We have four days in which to turn in a bird count.

Before going into the house, we made a potty stop in the yard. I decided that he needed some big muscle activity, and we have not practiced jumps in months. So I told him to jump over a 2.5 foot snowdrift. He did, and he jumped back to me on cue. We did the jumps several times and even over a taller drift. He did great!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Glad to see some more stories... was beginning to think there weren't any more Guinness stories to be had! It's weird though, if you posted all of those after the icicle beard one... for me they only showed up today...

Great pics in the snow! Guinness looks like he's having one heck of a good time - lucky guy!