Thursday, July 12, 2007


A neighbor told me that several owners with dogs meet daily at 7 AM at the ballfield on the nearby bike path. I am not a morning person, so the chances of me ever going were slim. However, we are in a reflooring project for a couple of weeks. Workmen begin arriving at 8:30, meaning that Guinness is either confined to his crate or tied up outside. Not good for a high energy dog! Plus I shouldn’t be running out for dog walks while the workmen are here.

Thus, at 7 AM, you can find Guinness and me with our new best friends at doggie play group. It is a godsend for these construction days. I suspect that both of us are going to become addicted and will have to maintain this early morning schedule.

Here are some shots with our new friends:

Guinness is chewing a stick which he shared with his buddies.

Labs having a romp.
There are 3 chocolates and 1 black lab that are regulars. Today, we are missing Lucy (our neighbor), but Bailey and Riley (black) are having some fun. I am convinced that dogs recognize their own breed.
The non-lab is Smartie, an Australian Shepherd - Border Collie mix.

Calming down after the fun.

1 comment:

Karin said...

cool :)