Friday, April 04, 2008

Let Me Run!

Grant had to make an exchange at a store today and took Guinness along in the car. As he removed the product to return, Guinness escaped and ran into the field next door refusing to heed his master’s call. He ran to the back of the lot where there are train tracks. Grant was not happy and very worried as Guinness paid no heed to him at all. Finally Guinness came to another customer. Grant had no treats, so thank heavens for a stranger who likes dogs!

I told Grant that I know exactly why he did that. The first week I was away, Guinness had to stay at the kennel where is had two playtimes and two walks each day. For the next week and a half, he was home with Grant and never walked beyond our property. Guinness was desperate for a run, so took off to give himself some exercise. Poor dog!

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