Sunday, May 25, 2008

Guinness became a Retreiver today!

Ruth, Guinness, and I had another great beach walk. This time, we tried throwing a stick in the lake. He retrieved! So we kept throwing, and he kept fetching! Wonders never cease! Ruth tried to throw it far enough to make him swim. He gave up and left the stick. I tried to throw far enough to make him swim, but only once or twice did it seem he actually swam to reach the stick. Eventually, he pooped out, but he did many, many retrieves! (And I forgot my camera)

Then we were off to the farm. Guinness loved having the freedom to run. He ran in the pond (on the back left) a couple of times. He ran into the neighbor’s field.

He ignored the little dogs, Sam and Picasso, but Picasso played the big cheese and tried to tell Guinness off for being present at his farm.

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