Tuesday, July 22, 2008


After a walk to the lakeside park, I worked on cleaning up the garden, and Guinness lounged in the grass. While pruning a redbud tree, I noted that there was a beautiful exoskeleton (technically an exuvia) on the trunk. Some time later, I went in the house and brought my camera out. A green creature was emerging from it! I had the privilege of watching a cicada emerge from its exuvia as a full-grown adult with wings! Cicadas and locusts go through Incomplete Metamorphosis: the eggs hatch into nymphs – a smaller version of the adult without wings. As the nymphs grow, they molt five times before they become an adult with wings. Isn't he beautiful?
Meanwhile, Guinness became bored and reverted to being a flower dog. This is what I saw when I turned and looked at him. The flower is in the Bird of Pardise family, so this potted plant was not cheap at an Ontario nursery!
Of course, when I approached him, he grabbed it and tore it to pieces.

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