Friday, August 22, 2008

Leader of the Pack?

Today I took Guinness to vacation at Holly’s Pride. He LOVES going there! If no one is in the parking lot, I let him run out of the car without holding the leash, because he goes straight to the front door. Well, 3 employees, each exercising a big dog, came walking around the corner. Of course, he ran off to see his friends and meet the new dogs. They grabbed his leash and told me the dogs are not friendly. I said, “If they go after Guinness, he will just back down.” But nothing happened. Then we entered the building. A man holding a large cat was just inside the door. Guinness barged in the door and jumped on his back. The cat did not seem upset, but strained around his master’s side to watch this wild beast. I was holding the overly happy dog as he strained to get away from me to jump on the desk and inspect the toys for sale while I attempted to apologize to the man. He with his cat were ushered into the cattery, so I released Guinness to run the room. He pushed on the door to the kennel which was not latched and he went right through. The door from there to the cattery was open, so he ran into the cattery. Oh, my… The manager brought him back and immediately took him back to his villa. An employee now came to the front desk to check in the cat and then Guinness. She commented that Guinness has more energy than any of their dogs. I told her about a dog trainer I had run into this week. I talked to the trainer about Guinness’s problems – that he is fine at home but is crazy when he sees other people or dogs. The trainer said that that indicates he is the leader of the pack. I confessed that we are getting older and probably baby him more than we have our other dogs. She was very professional and was sure she could help us to improve our relationship with him to be more like Hershey. But I’m not sure I have the energy to be leader of the pack.

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