Sunday, September 13, 2009

Life's Embarrassing Moments

Today, we drove to Chautauqua to check out houses available for rent next summer. We stopped in Mayville at The House on the Hill for brunch. Grant parked under a tree to give Guinny some shade, then we walked him around the property for a potty break. When Grant put him back in the car, he removed his leash. I asked why. He said, "I don't want him to get caught and hurt."
"Well, *I* would have left the leash ON."
As we bantered, Guinness jumped OUT, ran straight to the back door/kitchen door of the restaurant and ran THROUGH the already broken screen!!!! Oh, my.... There I am screaming at the top of my lungs, "Guinness!!!! Come!!! Stop!!!" The cook was quick! He grabbed Guinness's collar and brought him to me.
No harm done. Thank goodness!!!

After lunch, I saw the young man standing on the back porch. I apologized to him profusely and asked to take a picture for Guinness's blog. He said, "Don't worry about it. That is the most fun thing that will happen today!" For sure. Glad it was fun!!!

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