Saturday, August 14, 2010

The Very Hungry Spider

As Guinny and I passed behind the townhouse of a vacationing neighbor this morning, something large and black, dangling under the deck stairway, caught my eye. I took a closer look. A healthy spider was living in an expansive web under the stairs and had caught a bonanza – a large locust! At first, I thought it was a butterfly because of the large wings. After depositing Guinness at home, I donned my camera and returned. Originally, the spider appeared to be of a large species. Then I came to the conclusion it was a greedy spider. He was engorged with his bonus catch! He might have been eating himself to death! The extensive webbing had captured dozens of little flea bugs. But the interloper was ignoring them in favor of his windfall.

Guinny and I returned a couple of hours later to check on the drama under the stairs to find devastation! Someone had decimated the web. The spider was gone, but I found the victuals on the driveway.

Unfortunately, one of the next-door neighbors did not see the beauty of what was happening.

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