Saturday, October 23, 2010

Unfortunate Thing, and then a Funny Thing!

I folded up the king-size comforter off our bed, threw it in the back of my SUV, and delivered it to the dry cleaner. When I carried it in, the clerk dropped a pile of clothes to the floor allowing me to flop the comforter down on the counter. She lurched backwards gasping, saying there must have been cat hair on the clothes. I said, "This comforter is full of dog hair!" She visibly and audibly was in immediate distress. Her response was, "You should clean it before you come in." Oh... Interesting... She had to excuse herself and run to the back for an allergy pill. I am sorry about that incident.

Several days later, I picked up my cleaning. When I arrived home, I noted there were TWO hangers. Here is the second --

I must have gathered a dog toy from the car into the folds of the comforter when I took it in! And they CLEANED it!!!! LOL

Addendum on 10/30: Guinness was playing with this toy and chewing on something which made a noise when it dropped to the hardwood floor. So I checked out what he had. The cleaning tag with safety pin! How dangerous was that?!

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