Saturday, April 22, 2006

An Intruder

Tonight when Guinness went out for his last potty run, he suddenly raced across the yard to the part of our garden above the driveway. A opossum was there, and Guinness chased him out of our yard catching him a few feet away behind our driveway. The opossum turned and hissed at Guinness with this exact stance (taken from the Internet). Guinness jumped around him, not quite daring to touch him though intensely intrigued with this creature. I think he wanted to play and didn’t understand why the opossum was not cordial. Fortunately, the opossum didn’t run away or Guinness would have followed him. Finally Guinness obeyed my call and came to me. Meanwhile, the opossum stayed where he was until Grant chased him away by throwing rocks. After researching the opossum, we learned that they are a beneficial wild animal, docile, rarely attack unless attacked, and almost never have rabies.


Karin said...

yikes! I hope this was a really good zoom & you didn't really get that close!

Nina said...

This photo is from the Internet, but this is exactly how he looked!