Thursday, December 06, 2007

Morning at Doggie Park

Now that it is dark at 7 AM, Guinness and I are usually the first to arrive (by car).

Next comes Dennis with Riley. Then, before they can be seen, we can hear Frank's Mattie barking. Riley and Guinness prick up their ears, then race in the direction of barks for their morning treats. Mattie is “beastly,” and tries to nip the other dogs if she can get near, but Frank is the candyman. He throws dog biscuits, so they are attracted to Frank in spite of Mattie.

Once we were gathered, this was nature’s treat -- a glorious sunrise adorned with a sliver of an old moon plus brilliant Venus above that (not seen here).

Brin and Guinness hoping that Frank will throw another treat.

Both Goldens who are occasional club members, Marley and Brin, joined us this morning rounding out our motley crew.

Smartie has a smart mother who sleeps in on these dark mornings. They now arrive as everyone else is leaving, but Guinness stays to play.

Keiko and I were awed by an unusual pink pillar over the sun. Not sure what caused that, and the photo does not do it justice.

After they left, I focused my attention on taking more pictures of the pillar. I knew Guinness was at the fence, but, when I was finished, there was no Guinness. He did not respond to “Come!” calls. Then I tried to track him in the snow, but was unsuccessful. Finally, he came bounding to me before panic mode struck. He had gone around the end of the fence and behind the park building.


Anonymous said...

Dogs for some people like us are just as precious as our children. The dog owners are happy if they are. I would not go for a walk if I don't have a dog, so are you.

Karin said...

Awesome pics :)