Monday, December 17, 2007

Scaredy Cat

Over the past 36 hours, we had a raging snowstorm leaving at least a foot of snow. Doggie park would be challenge this morning. The parking lot would not be plowed and it would be deep walking, but I could envision Guinness prancing and leaping through the snow having a high old time.

Earlier this fall, when it started being fairly dark when we left for doggie playtime, Guinness tried to jump into the back of the car before it was open. Ever since, if he cannot see well, he is frightened and will not jump in. Usually, when that happens, Grant’s car has already left, so that I can open a side door, and he will readily jump in. This morning was very dark, and Grant’s car was still in the garage. He absolutely refused to jump in. I tried twice to pick him up, but he fought me and got hurt both times. I gave up in disgust (since I had gone to all the effort of bundling up for the wintry day), and took him back inside.

Later in the morning, I was going out to run errands and planned to let him ride along. Even in broad daylight, he would not come near the back of the car. I refused to give in to his fears by letting him in the side door, so he had to stay home alone.

I'm not sure how we are going to conquer this...

1 comment:

Karin said...

Poor Guinny!!