Monday, July 27, 2009

Today has Been a Day!

Today was the day for Guinness to have his 8 week post-op exam, x-rays, and progress report. His canine GPS was very accurate today. When we turned onto another highway, still 40 minutes from our destination, he knew where we were headed. Then two blocks from the veterinary college, he started dancing and whining with delighted delirium!!! We were early, so I stayed in the car for a few minutes while he deafened me with his eager barking. The lemon juice yields results, but his excitement exceeded its effectiveness. We went inside a few minutes early. Soon many other dogs joined us with their masters. Some looked to be in serious condition or had lost a leg. Despite their frailties, Guinness wanted to be their friend. I set the lemon beside me and threatened him with it many times.

We waited 45 minutes before being called, and then what a sight to behold. He dragged me across the waiting room as he bolted for the door. With a couple dozen people gaping at us, I declared, "He has passed advanced obedience! I have a certificate to prove it."

As he jumped repeatedly on the new intern, the doctor said that he looks like he is healing well. Assessing his level of activity, he told me that they would have to sedate him for his x-rays and asked me to return in an hour. Great! I didn't bring a book with me. The Academic Dean of my college told us once to never be caught without a book. I lamented that I did not think of that admonition today. I bought a coffee and breakfast bar at a nearby coffee shop, sat in an easy chair, and emailed, then napped.

The report is that he is healing well, but has a ways to go. He cannot be off leash, but can walk on a long lead to give him more exercise. Instead of two 40 minute walks a day, four 20 minute walks would be better. He can jump on a sofa now, but not use stairways. The doctor also felt that the sedation would wear off quickly and that Guinness could have his therapy sessions late this afternoon. We had to wait again in the waiting room before his paperwork was ready for him to be checked out. He was very groggy but nosed up against the people near me begging to be petted, and they accommodated him.

He walked to the car slowly and managed the ramp. After a few minutes on the road, he stood with his hind end crouched down and remained in that position for the remainder of the trip -- about 40 minutes. He also was salivating as if he might vomit.

At home, he walked down the ramp, but then had great difficulty walking up the grassy slope to get to the front door. Half way up, he dropped to the ground on my feet and his eyes went glassy. I was afraid he was dying! I had to leave him there to go inside to find the surgeon's phone number. I reached our intern for today, and he thinks that the car ride made him nauseous and that the sedation is wearing off slowly. He suggested that I take him to our local vet for my peace of mind. He called the vet to describe the sedation used and to prepare them for his arrival. I have to say that it was nice to have a calm dog at the vet's office. He actually behaved as a normal dog, though a bit sleepy.

I told the vet that he had crossed his hind legs when trying to walk up the grassy slope, so he did a neurological test of turning his toes under. A normal dog would set his pad flat on the floor, but Guinness didn't. So he wants to see him again tomorrow after the sedation has worn off. And, obviously, he cannot have his therapy sessions today after all.

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