Tuesday, July 28, 2009


Today was another hydrotherapy day. We are doing better upon arrival. I try to use the pop method (instead of pulling/yanking), and we have the lemon to control barking. But... tell me... how do you unscrew the cap with one hand while holding a jumping, barking dog with the other, and then squirt it in his mouth? Thankfully, the sight of it has some effect, but the real squirt has a better result, yet it rarely happens due to the juggling involved.

He was semi-under control, though racing off to sniff nearby open/empty crates, when another client entered the facility without dog. He loves pulling my gloves off my hands in the winter, then playing the catch-me-if-you-can game. This past winter, he started stealing the gloves of other masters at doggie park. Today, he nabbed the woman's car keys out of her hand, but, being on leash, could not complete his game plan. What a character! He does make everyone laugh. His therapist referred to him as "Turd" today. I guess, that is similar to the "Stinkpot" name I have uttered.

1 comment:

Noelle said...

Hahaha! What a title & what a nickname! ; )