Wednesday, January 10, 2007

A New Greeting

“Have a Guinny Day! (That means bouncy, happy, loving, fun filled and nutritious.)” My husband wished that for me today. Ü

You ask: what does Guinness eat that is nutritious? Carrots! While he was in his fancy obedience school, we started training him to lie under the table and be a good boy while we eat meals. At first, we used the mini-treats used for training. We wanted to get away from using treats, so we started giving him ice cubes, which he loved. For some unknown reason, we gave him carrots instead of ice cubes once. That did it. He would not eat an ice cube during dinnertime again. He insisted on carrots.

Just yesterday I was wishing we had never started this treat-while-eating business. If we forget to keep giving him a carrot, he will sit. If we don’t notice him sitting and waiting for his next carrot, he will paw at one of us. How do we end this?! We have created a vexation.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

He bounces & eats carrots... he must be a rabbit!