Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Why didn't I take my camera?

Some one turned off the global warming switch and winter has descended upon us. Yesterday we had a blustery day called “wintry mix” – freezing rain, sleet, and snow. It was too yucky for anything except a double “prom” (aka promenade) around our property. Today, it is only 17 degrees with enough sun diffusing through a layer of clouds to create bright spots and shadows. I donned my winter dog walking outfit: purple sweatsuit, super warm double-layered purple jacket, purple windproof pants, purple Uggs, topped off with a black neck scarf tied across my nose and mouth. My warmth was not in question.

Guinness and I set off for the nearby bike path. I was concerned about how slippery the walk might be, but the frozen precipitation on the ground is a hard crust of ice and snow dimpled by sleet creating fair traction. Our normal destination on the bike path is the ballfields. If no one is around, I drop the leash, allowing him to wander, dragging the leash behind for easy retrieval if necessary. When he is distracted by something, I pull out treats and call, “Come!” from across the field to test his recalls. He races barreling towards me and does a front sit. He has become so used to this drill that, after wandering on his own for a while, he will stop, stare at me expecting a come command. If I don’t respond promptly, he bolts without being called and sits before me expecting his treat for being such a good boy. I can even allow him to wander out of sight, and he will still respond with enthusiasm.

We usually cross the soccer field, round the baseball diamond, then cut behind the row of trees, mainly spruces, which create a secluded walkway. Today, as we took that turn, we were facing the sun. Guinness’s dark brown body ran over the white snow creating a striking contrast (winter is the best time to take a chocolate lab’s photo!). The deciduous tree branches, laden with a thin coating of ice and arching over our path, were loaded with tiny bulbous diamonds sparkling due to the soft glowing of the sun directly ahead. The snow was something I don’t think I have ever seen in my sixty years! It was as if Swarovski crystals had been finely ground and dusted over the landscape. Blue, green, and red glints were dazzling my eyes! Even if I had had my camera, I don’t think I could have pulled it out, turned it on, and snapped in time to catch that fleeting visage of brown dog on white snow with diamonds over his head and under his feet. It is doubtful that the amazing glistening crystal snow could ever be captured on film or CF card. But it is in my memory – a phenomenal sight!

When we arrived home, I looked to see if the Swarovski fairies had sprinkled their magical crystals in our yard, but they weren’t there – only colorless clear sparkles twinkled.


Anonymous said...

Cool!! :)

Anonymous said...

Why didn't you bring your camera or go back?

Anonymous said...

Sounds beautiful! And a beautiful description. (better???)


Esther said...

You don't have the images on disk, but you have them beautifully in words. I'm sure you were breathless at the sights!!