Sunday, May 30, 2010

Pet Poisons

I arrived home from NC two weeks ago yesterday. Two weeks ago today, my computer case zippers were open as I was slowly getting things back to normal. Secret: I eat at least one square of dark chocolate per day. Shhhhh.... It's good for me; right?! Half of a bar of 72% cocoa content Heart Healthy chocolate from our local chcolatier was in my case. Three guesses what happened, and the first two don't count. This IS a blog about Guinness!

It was Sunday morning. I called the Emergency Animal Clinic. They insisted that he needed to come in to have vomiting induced. cha-ching, cha-ching. So I tried to call my vet nephew. He was in church. I called my neighbor with a lab. She said to give him some rice to dilute the chocolate, plus they did some online research. We decided that he had not had enough to be an issue unless I noted a change in his demeanor. Vet nephew called later from a noisy restaurant, and concurred that he probably had not had enough. And he was .... just fine! :)

Today, my son sent this site. A good one to bookmark!!! It says to not go to the emergency vet unless the dog is losing consciousness or having seizures. Good information! I knew most of this already, but no grapes?! I am sure I have given him a grape or two. uh-oh.

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