Monday, July 26, 2010

Bath and Ball

This morning, Kevin rode his bike to doggie park. It was a great success! Except... there were no dogs there to play with. We were later than the normal playtime. Though we did run into one of Guinness’s elderly friends as we left, and Kevin couldn’t stop petting gentle Ben.

Kevin played in the sprinkler.

Kevin managed to get Guinness all wet too, so we gave him a bath with the hose. He needed it anyway. After he was dry, we combed out his loose hairs. Kevin is becoming proficient at being my assistant in this process! Then Kevin said that I never take pictures of Guinny, so we took some.

Guinness doesn't know he is a Retriever. He does reverse retrieves (steals things and makes you chase him). Tonight Lucy, also a chocolate lab, was out with her daddy playing fetch. Lucy is very serious about fetch. Kevin tried throwing the ball for Lucy also, using the plastic throw "arm." Kevin knew we had one in our garage, so, when we came home he got it out and tried to play fetch with Guinness. Guinness RETRIEVED the ball MANY times!!!! He must like playing with Kevin better than with me.

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