Saturday, January 07, 2006


There are no Christmas stuffed animals on the staircase for Guinness to steal, ensuing a game “You Can’t Catch Me.” To replace that fun sport, he swipes one of my boots at the deck door and hightails it to the dining room where he cannot be cornered as he runs back and forth on the opposite side of the table from me. It reminds me of playing Checkers when one player moves to the two-space corner, moving back and forth without consequence and no end to the game in sight. With Grant assisting, we might be able to block him, though he usually is too swift and too strong to be caught. He knows it is easier to run through my blockade than Grant’s. The normal ending to the game is for Guinness to make a misstep and corner himself. Today I had no patience to wait for his gaffe. He is too smart to obey the commands of “Come” or “Drop it” when in play mode. His aim is to entice me to “Come” to him, and he certainly has no intention of relinquishing it. I finally used my noggin. This dog is attending obedience school. Duh… “Settle!” Little response. “Sit.” He sat! “Drop it.” Voila! He won excessive praise and treats!

1 comment:

Karin said...

ha ha ha