Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Guard Dog

A couple of weeks ago, Guinness noted that he could see out the windows! He began taking great interest in watching what was happening outside. Now he sits and stares out the window at woods, squirrels, birds, and the highway for long stretches a few times every day. This morning, he saw a man walking down the highway ramp and began barking. Then he started jumping on me which means he wants to go outside. I suspected that it was not potty time, but that he wanted to check out that man. I was right. He ran to the front fence and diligently searched for the man who was not to be seen. Then he turned and looked at the back fence, over which he had spotted the man from inside, obviously wondering where he had gone. It is good to know that he is protecting our property.


Esther said...

I love watching a dog or cat observe the world out a window. Great pic and cute stories.

Karin said...

Cute :) He probably just wanted to pounce him!