Sunday, January 08, 2006

Grocery Trip

Guinness enjoys sticking his nose in the kitchen trash when the opportunity arises. Usually, he is immediately banned with no opportunity of retrieving some tidbit. A couple of times, he has pulled out an appealing banana peel or tempting paper towel.

Guinness has earned the privilege of running errands with me. He is very good alone in the car except he, unlike Hershey, loudly whines as I leave him. Then he jumps into the front while I am away and stands on the center console, thus turning on the four-way flashers. Today we made a grocery run. Like Hershey, when the bags are placed in the back of the vehicle, he has to sniff them, yet, like Hershey, leaves them alone. As I walked around the to the driver’s door, I glanced at him through the window to discover that he had a bunch of bananas in his mouth. With no regard to the people around who might hear me, I screamed while running to the back, “Guinness! Drop it! Drop It!” Of course, he didn’t. I opened the rear, removed the bananas from his mouth, placed them in the bag and took it with me to the front seat. As I turned my head to the right to switch off the flashers, I noted that the two women parked beside me were in stitiches. I rolled down my window to relate, “It’s just a good thing he’s cute!”

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