Wednesday, January 25, 2006

The Goofball

Guinness is 40 weeks old and growing into a strong, strapping fella.

We were curious to know how much he weighs, so I made an appointment to have his nails trimmed. He is soooo excited to see people that he is uncontrollable. He knows the vet’s office when we arrive, and is wild to enter the building. I strung him up on his leash a couple of times while approaching the building to try to gain control. No effect. Inside, he was bonkers. One of the technicians joined us in the exam room with the scale. He was doggedly intent to play with her and be petted. It was impossible to obtain a scale reading with him bouncing. Two more staff members came in to help, escalating the fracas. It was hopeless. I said, “If you three leave, he will settle for me.” Within seconds, I called out to them, “He weighs 67.2 pounds!” While he was having his pedicure, one of them suggested obedience school. Ha! A vet stuck her head out and said, “He is in Grade 2?!” LOL

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