Friday, March 02, 2007

Lots of Pets

I received a call asking if I would like to have my home air quality tested. Yes, in fact, I do want that done. They said that they were doing research and wanted to collect two air samples from our home; could they come within an hour? Sure! Then I checked out the company on the Web and made a call to them to be certain that this was not a boogey man coming to my house. To avoid needing to crate him, Guinness wore his training collar and dragged his leash so that I could prevent him from mauling the person. It was a very nice young man who came and gave Guinness lots of attention, tummy tickles, and ear rubs while he collected air samples.

As soon as he left, we headed out to run errands. After having a virtual blizzard all day yesterday, then rain all night, I did not want to go for an outdoor walk today through the puddles and slop. Our first stop was Home Depot where we could walk up and down every aisle of the store for our exercise. This was our third time to use that store as a place to walk on bad days. Every time, it is a bit better. He was so excited as we walked through the parking lot, even squealing, that he had exiting customers laughing. He did not charge ahead, but walked beside me quite sedately. I had to give him constant reminders, “You don’t have to say ‘hello’ to every one.” “No sniffing.” “Side!” which means he is to walk at my side, not ahead of me. Of course, there always are a few who look at him with a little fear in their eyes. Most find him amusing. If he saw someone that he thought might be friendly, I would have to use two hands to prevent him from jumping on them. Many in the store, sales people and customers, asked to pet him, complimented his good looks, and gave him the attention he craved. Even two young children petted him, and he was very gentle with them. Hurray! They have a lab/shepherd mix at home, so they understand dogs of this size and exuberance. We picked up some light bulbs and a new indoor/outdoor thermometer. I was shocked and pleased with the patience he exhibited while I made my selections! As we approached the self-checkout, a goofy woman, much like myself, was audibly responding to the talking register. She made a big fuss over him, as she has a 160 pound Mastiff at home.

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