Friday, May 15, 2009

Goofy Guinness

Coming home from NC, I stopped overnight at a college friend's house in WV. We had talked on the phone, so she knew I was about to arrive any minute and left the front door wide open. I pulled into the driveway, opened the car, Guinness galloped out before I could grab his leash, ran straight through the front door, down the hall, through the kitchen, and THROUGH the screen to the deck!!!! By the time I caught up with him, I saw the broken screen door and commented, "I'm glad one of your grandchildren broke the door before Guinness did." The response was, "Guinness did it." :-0 Oh, my...

He was pretty crazy all evening, so I had to keep him on leash to keep him with me and not tearing through their house. By Friday morning, he was much more calm, and was even a bit gentlemanly. (Is that possible???)

I had to blog the door episode, so before we left Friday morning, Ruth took him outside so that he could demonstrate the doggie door he had created for himself.

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