Monday, May 18, 2009

Guinness is a BAD Boy!

I heard the clanging of pots and pans and ran to the kitchen. See these muffin pans?

They used to have freshly baked muffins in them. The banana oatmeal chocolate chip muffins were tipped on their sides and the baking papers removed for cooling. But... Guinness got a taste of delicious birthday cake last week in NC. So he decided to try Mommy's baking. Apparently, he liked it. A lot. At 4 years old, we have entered a new phase -- stealing baked goods.

1 comment:

MLE said...

Oh no!!!! Lily has eaten a stick of butter I had out on a counter thawing. Twice! Once a grayhound "cousin" who visits periodically got a bite of beautiful birthday cake that was sitting on the dining room table...waiting for the rest of the company to arrive. Boy was I mad! Our wonderful Hungry grabbed the Thanksgiving turkey from the kitchen counter many years ago and ran down the basement stairs to enjoy the feast. Thankfully we had eaten one meal from the turkey. I laughed at this. Hungry was a magnificent Akita who could easily consume a turkey.