Thursday, May 28, 2009

Surgery Day

I thought it best for Guinness to sleep in the den last night on his bed rather than navigate the stairs, which he is not supposed to do, to sleep with me, as is the norm. In the middle of the night, he barked and barked. I know I am not supposed to give in, but my night was going to be short enough as it was, so I went downstairs and attempted to sleep on the living room sofa next to him. It didn't work, so I went back to bed for a few more winks before the alarm rang at 5:30 AM. I was to leave Guinness at the Veterinary College Hospital at 7:30 AM. It was a very foggy morning, I saw a deer beside the road. She walked onto the road and stared at me, while I slowed down, then she scaled a high fence and gracefully flew into the woods. After dropping him off, I witnessed an accident right in front of me. Scary.

The intern assisting the orthopedic surgeon called mid-afternoon to say that the surgery went well. The crutiate ligaments were completely torn and were trimmed back. The meniscus had been damaged and needed to be trimmed and "released." A complete explanation, with diagrams, of the TPLO surgery can be found at The stabilization of the joint was completed, and he was resting comfortably. She said she would call me in the morning to give me a pickup time which would probably be Friday evening.

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