Monday, May 12, 2014

A Growl

Toby has become more spirited as he is getting to know me, but a stranger can set him back.  My son and grandson came to meet Toby.  Toby was very laid-back and hesitant around the new people.  Such a difference from Guinness who would be jumping all over the child, or, at least, wanting to jump on him.   Then Greg returned the next morning with a different little grandson.  Again, Toby was polite and not demanding attention.  In fact, he hid from attention.  My grandson told me Toby was under my bed!  Sure enough.  There he was.  Why?   My son got down on his knees to look, and Toby growled at him.  His assessment was that Toby, from something that has happened in the past, is not comfortable with strangers.  And having Greg on one side of the bed and grandson on the other made him feel threatened.  Greg asked for some treats to entice him out.  He did come and was just fine, but not enthusiastic to have company. 

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