Thursday, September 21, 2006

Jumping Jack

Guinness is rather hysterical about having the sunroof open. He places his front paws on the console between the front seats and bounces to reach his head out the roof. He makes quite the funny scene and brings laughter from all who see him as we drive down the road. Last Saturday, we were sitting at the border waiting our turn at customs as he carried on his jumping exercise. Several cars around us found him to be very amusing. It is rather difficult to catch a picture of this behavior when I am sitting in the car, so, today, I left him inside parked behind our garage, grabbed my camera, and pleaded with him to pop out the top.

1 comment:

Tara said...

I love your blog... I check it regularly for Guiness escapades! The sunroof thing made me laugh out loud! My dobe X does exactly the same thing - I have never been able to get a pic - too cute!