Tuesday, September 28, 2010

"Interesting Walk"

The dogs continue their love affair.

This day was discombobulated. Certainly not as planned! To make a long story short, Steve's car was towed away yesterday as it would not start. He had to deal with car issues today, so needed my vehicle. That left me stranded and needing to to pick up Kevin from school. I had to WALK to his school to bring him home and scratch my other plans for the day.

It is not a far walk, but not an easy one either. The route crosses a RR track and a busy street. I brought both dogs which was tricky since Jack does not know how to heel. There are no sidewalks for half of the walk, and I had to walk through tall grass. I was wearing Crocs, and my feet were prickly and stinging. By the time I reached school, I realized those sensations were from fire ants! We had no choice but to walk home that way with Kevin also wearing Crocs. We had a foot and shoe bath as soon as we were home! The dogs were unphased by the ants and loved the outing.

What a good boy!!!

Or is he??? He is holding one of Kevin's favorite stuffed dogs! tsk, tsk

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